Oh Boy!

Today I would have been 39 weeks pregnant and waiting on the edge of my seat wondering whether I’d have the baby on time or whether it’d be overdue like Tate. Or I may have even had a cesarean booked for this week.

However things don’t always go to plan! Our beautiful baby boy Knox, made a surprised and rushed entrance on Thursday 27th of June at 5:45 am after only 3 hours of labour. He weighed in at 7 lb 10 oz and 51 cm long. He surprised us with a head full of dark brown hair (a huge difference to Tate)!

Knox just after being born.

Tate playing with Knox, putting robot stickers on him.

Knox having a sleep on the couch.

So, now we have a beautiful boy that was born in America. We were told a little bit of advice the other day though – just because a cat chooses to have its kittens in the oven doesn’t make them biscuits. I guess that means that just because Knox was born in America doesn’t make him American!

About mylee

Hi, I'm an Aussie living in New York with my husband and two sons and tam using this as a cool way for my friends and family to keep in touch and find out what we are doing.

7 comments on “Oh Boy!

  1. Beautiful post. Gorgeous boy! He will be Aussie through and through if the rest of us have any day about it!

  2. Congratulations once again!

    I felt a little weird about having an American baby too. The thought of your child having a different citizenship to you is definitely a weird one! I guess for now Knox is American (if only in citizenship) and one day he’ll become an Australian citizen when you move home 🙂 And if for some reason you stay in American long enough, he can always sponsor you to become citizens when he turns 18! He’s your anchor baby 😉

    I love that last photo of Knox with the dark background. Did you take that one?

    • Hi Sally,

      I think also him having an American accent might be a little strange….

      I like that photo of Knox too. My mum took it while Knox was sleeping on the sofa bed next to me.

      • Lola has started to speak with a slight American accent and it’s the weirdest thing! It almost sounds southern like when she says “hay-und” for “hand”!
        Ava says a few words with an American accent – mostly switching the long a sound in words like bath, path, plant etc for a short a sound. That could also be mistaken for an Australian eastern states pronunciation though so it doesn’t sound super American. She has also taken to the American pronunciation of tomato and calls me “Mom” in writing!