Portland, Maine

The first stop on our road trip was to Portland, Maine. The main reason was to visit a cousin of Richard’s and his wife (Ashley and Sarah). We had a lovely day with them and it was wonderful getting to know them (the kids and I had never met Richard’s cousin and none of us had met his wife). Hopefully we can do it a again soon either in Maine or NYC!

We started off the day with a yummy breakfast of French toast, bacon and scrambled eggs. We were very spoiled by Ashley and Sarah.

Ashley and Sarah then took us for a walking tour around Portland, which is a beautiful city.

A boat sitting on the wharf.

A boat sitting on the wharf.

A view along the water.

A view along the water.

A piece of the Berlin Wall on the wharf.

A piece of the Berlin Wall on the wharf.

Not exactly sure what the purpoe of this was! Took it on the fly as we walked around town.

Not exactly sure what the purpose of this was! Took it on the fly as we walked around town.

As we were in Maine it was decided that we needed to buy lobsters to enjoy for lunch. We went into a lobster pound and bought some and Ashley and Sarah cooked them along with some yummy beans, baked beans and apple crisp (apple crumble).

The lobsters being bagged ready for our enjoyment!

The lobsters being bagged ready for our enjoyment!

Mmm yummy lobster, but very difficult to get the meat out.

Mmm yummy lobster, but very difficult to get the meat out.

One of the coolest things we saw is a Tate Street! We had to take a photo of Tate at Tate street! I looked up a Knox street but the closest one was in another town and not a town worth going to as a tourist!

Tate Street!

Tate Street!

Tate loved seeing Tate Street!

Tate loved seeing Tate Street!

And now for a random cute photo or two…..

Knox enjoying lunch with his second cousins.

Knox enjoying lunch with his second cousins.

Aren't I cute?

Aren’t I cute?

About mylee

Hi, I'm an Aussie living in New York with my husband and two sons and tam using this as a cool way for my friends and family to keep in touch and find out what we are doing.

4 comments on “Portland, Maine

    • We just did a google maps search and it looks like there is a town called Knox in the state of NY!

  1. How cute is Knox?! He doesn’t have that newborn look about him anymore. Growing up so quickly.
    I love the shot of Tate at Tate Street 🙂 You’ll have to take him to the Tate Gallery in London one day!

    • He is a cutie isn’t he? I’m a little biased though! 🙂 Cant wait to introduce him to you guys!

      I’d love to go to London but Richard’s been all over Europe, so chances are we’ll go to places we both haven’t been first!:(