The next stop on our trip was to Plimoth Plantation. Plimoth Plantation is a re-creation of a 17th century English village. It gives visitors an idea of what life would have been like for the settlers in Plymouth in 1627. It includes gardens, homes, storehouses and animal houses.
Once inside the village you can look around the different homes, store houses etc to get a feel for the way the settlers lived.
In the village there are costumed role players that act out what it was like in the village in the 17th century. When you speak to them they will answer any questions as if they are in the 17th century and also use 17th century English!
Tate had his own favourite parts of the village:
After the English village, there is also a Wampanoag village as well. Here you get to see a home and a long house. We didn’t enter the long house though as it was filled with smoke. Not a good idea for Tate and Knox!
In the Wampanoag village the workers are native people. Though dressed in traditional clothing they don’t act as role players, thus being able to give a modern day perspective.
Going to Plimoth Plantation was a great way to learn about the history of Plymouth and I love history!
Sounds interesting. Loads of animal fun time too for Tate!
Just like Old Tailem Town – only much, much better!
By the way, all of the photos are upside down for me apart from the one with Tate bowling.