Cape Cod

Now back to the next stop on our road trip- Cape Cod. Cape Cod is a beautiful area to visit in Massachussets. Right at the tip is Provincetown which we visited first. It wasn’t a very easy place to drive around in an RV but we were able to get out and enjoy the water.

As you can imagine Tate loved walking along the rocks!

As you can imagine Tate loved walking along the rocks!

After this we went for a walk on the Doane Loop Trail which was a wheelchair accessible walk, making it much easier to bring Tate and Knox along.

Close to the start of the trail we hit a memorial to Deacon John Doane, who was one of the first seven settlers of the town of Eastham.

The stone reads: Dea.  John Doane  Born, 1590  Here, 1644  Died, 1685

The stone reads:
John Doane
Born, 1590
Here, 1644
Died, 1685

The plaque.

The plaque.

The trail includes a walk past a salt pond and up to the beach.

The salt pond.

The salt pond.

The view of the salt pond from the bridge.

The view of the salt pond from the bridge.

Tate having fun by the beach.

Tate having fun by the beach.

The view of the beach.

The view of the beach.

About mylee

Hi, I'm an Aussie living in New York with my husband and two sons and tam using this as a cool way for my friends and family to keep in touch and find out what we are doing.

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