Museum of Art and Design

Last Saturday we headed to the Museum of Art and Design for a family day. Although most activities were geared towards older kids, it gave us a chance to check out a cool museum we hadn’t seen before. Tate obviously enjoyed it because he has been talking about it this week!

The Museum of Art and design had a huge focus on 3D printing at the moment and it was really interesting to see all the different materials that can be used for 3D printing and the interesting art that can be made from using a 3D printer!

Richard checking out a cool metal 3D design.

Richard checking out a cool metal 3D design.

There was even an option of paying to do a 3D printing of yourself! Unfortunately they said that you can’t do a 3D printing of a child under the age of 5 because they move around too much. If not for that rule, I think Tate would have come home with a mini me!

Check out the little people!

Check out the little people!

Tate and Richard checking out some 3D metal designs.

Tate and Richard checking out some 3D metal designs.

Shapeways (a NY company) had lots of different 3D designs on show that were very cool. I had never really considered just what 3D printing can do.

Cool metal designs.

Cool metal designs.

The main exhibition ‘Out of Hand: Materializing the Postdigital’ was all about digital fabrication. It included sculpture, furniture, clothing and transport. One of Tate’s favourite was a creation we named the wobbly man. Even seeing it today he commented that “he’s pretty wobbly!”.

There were different activities for the kids to participate in. However most were geared towards much older kids. There was one activity which Tate got involved with – helping the museum make the museum’s largest fractal. Each person was giving a fractal to decorate. It was then pinned to the wall to become a bigger fractal.

Tate decorating his fractal.

Tate decorating his fractal.

Tate chose where he wanted his fractal pinned.

Tate chose where he wanted his fractal pinned.

"This is my fractal."

“This is my fractal.”

Because we were at the museum earlier in the day weren’t able to see the finished product. It wasn’t very big when Tate, Richard and I decorated and added our fractals to the wall. The next day we checked on Twitter and there was the Fractal! We were surprised to see that Tate was very lucky to get his fractal pretty much right in the middle. You can’t miss his!

About mylee

Hi, I'm an Aussie living in New York with my husband and two sons and tam using this as a cool way for my friends and family to keep in touch and find out what we are doing.

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