Tokyo Toy Museum

You may remember that the last time we went to Japan we took Tate to the Tokyo Toy Museum. He had such a great time playing with all the toys and checking out the play areas that we knew we had to go again. Knox needed a chance to see what all the fun is about!

Both boys loved the spinning tops!

Both boys loved the spinning tops!

Doing some building.

Doing some building.

Located in a former Shinjuku Elementary School, the Tokyo Toy Museum is dedicated to exhibiting not only Japanese toys but toys from all over the world. They have toys meant only to view but also lots for the kids to try out for themselves.

Having fun with some very interesting dice!

Having fun with some very interesting dice!

They both spent ages playing with all the pull toys!

They both spent ages playing with all the pull toys!

The coolest room is a playroom that houses 2 ball pits and a big cubby house, among other fun toys along the walls of the room. The kids had a ball in this room!

Rolling balls along the edge.

Rolling balls along the edge.



Egg shaped balls.

Egg shaped balls.

About mylee

Hi, I'm an Aussie living in New York with my husband and two sons and tam using this as a cool way for my friends and family to keep in touch and find out what we are doing.

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