Christmas, Part 2

On Boxing Day the kids were excited to finish opening up the rest of their presents. They were so happy with all the presents they received for Christmas that they refused to leave the house the whole day. No playground, no lunch at a restaurant. No nothing!

Here’s a look at them with the rest of their Christmas presents.

Knox building with the Architectural Blocks they opened the night before.

Knox building with the Architectural Blocks they opened the night before.

A gears building set.

A gears building set.

An old school view  master.

An old school view master.

Giving it a try.

Giving it a try.

A book....

A book….

Ah... It is The Day the Crayons Came Home.

Ah… It is The Day the Crayons Came Home.

Oooh, What's this from Luka, Kallan, Aunty Jazmin and Shannon?

Oooh, What’s this from Luka, Kallan, Aunty Jazmin and Shannon?

A car puzzle!  Thanks!!!!!

A car puzzle! Thanks!!!!!

They had so much fun giving it a try!!!

They had so much fun giving it a try!!!

Not sure what this could be.....

Not sure what this could be…..

Math Dice!

Math Dice!

The Day the Crayons Quit!

The Day the Crayons Quit!

Dinosaur Stamps.

Dinosaur Stamps.

And lastly…

A book about all the states of America.

A book about all the states of America.

After opening up the presents Tate was very excited to get started on one of his presents from Aunty Jazmin, Uncle Shannon, Luka and Kallan – Dino Crystals!! Here’s a look at him enjoying that activity.

Setting it all up - with much excitement!

Setting it all up – with much excitement!

Pouring the crystal liquid.

Pouring the crystal liquid.

Checking out the first crystals that appeared.

Checking out the first crystals that appeared.

The end result!!! Unfortunately the tree couldn't handle the weight of all the crystals and fell over.

The end result!!!
Unfortunately the tree couldn’t handle the weight of all the crystals and fell over.

About mylee

Hi, I'm an Aussie living in New York with my husband and two sons and tam using this as a cool way for my friends and family to keep in touch and find out what we are doing.

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