Coney Island

A few weeks ago we decided to head to Coney Island whilst the weather was still warm enough to enjoy the beach. Given we have a baby and toddler we didn’t do the ‘typical’ things you’d expect like ride all the rides at Luna Park. I have to say though, even if we didn’t have Tate or Knox I still wouldn’t. Amusement Park rides make me sick!

View along the beach.

View along the beach.

The beach is very popular from what we could tell. If memory serves, the temperature was not very warm, possibly in the late 20s (Celsius). Despite what we Australians would consider too cool for swimming there were heaps of people on the sand and in the water!

The view on the beach from the other direction.

The view on the beach from the other direction.

Tate had a lot of fun splashing in the water despite it being freezing and got soaked. He had to attempt to dry off at a funky playground that was on the sand.

Splashing with daddy.

Splashing with daddy.

Enjoying the playground on the sand!

Enjoying the playground on the sand!

After a yummy pizza lunch we headed over to the aquarium. The aquarium was devastated by the affects of Hurricane Sandy so are currently trying to rebuild. Due to this, less exhibits were available to view but we still had lots of fun watching the sea lion show and checking out all the sea life that was available for viewing.

One of the sea lions doing a trick.

One of the sea lions doing a trick.

Knox watching the fish swim by.

Knox watching the fish swim by.

Watching the fish is fun!

Watching the fish is fun!

My lovely boys enjoying the aquarium.

My lovely boys enjoying the aquarium.

And here are some of the interesting fish we saw:

I love the right pink colour!

I love the right pink colour!

Such colourful fish.

Such colourful fish.

About mylee

Hi, I'm an Aussie living in New York with my husband and two sons and tam using this as a cool way for my friends and family to keep in touch and find out what we are doing.

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