Happy Easter

I hope everyone back home in Australia and our friends in the US are having a lovely Easter with their loved ones. We are enjoying our Easter weekend with a mini holiday in Boston! Boston has been top of our list of places to visit since we moved to New York and we have finally managed to cross it off our lists.

Because we are in Boston instead of New York we celebrated Easter with the kids a week early by having an Easter Egg hunt and enjoying some American style hot cross buns. The kids loved both the hunt and the hot cross buns. Richard and I, however, were again a little disappointed at the huge difference in hot cross buns. Makes us miss Easter in Australia!

Here’s a look at our early Easter Egg hunt.

Excited to be hunting!

Excited to be hunting!

Showing off his first egg.

Showing off his first egg.

It took mummy showing Knox where an egg was hiding for him to understand and get into the hunt.

It took mummy showing Knox where an egg was hiding for him to understand and get into the hunt.

Here's one!

Here’s one!

Look, I've got two eggs!

Look, I’ve got two eggs!

Showing off one of his finds.

Showing off one of his finds.

Here's one!

Here’s one!

Mummy got a bit tricky when hiding the eggs!

Mummy got a bit tricky when hiding the eggs!

After finding all the eggs they decided to store them in the trailer of their bike. Knox tried to be sneaky and ride away with them all!

So many eggs!

So many eggs!

Trying to make off with the eggs!

Trying to make off with the eggs!

Once we got Knox turned around and back into the room they sat down to open all the eggs. Knox was very serious while opening them all but Tate was very excited to see what was inside. It is amazing how fast those little hands got all the eggs open!

Happy with his one tiny chocolate egg.

Happy with his one tiny chocolate egg.

Some egg stickers.

Some egg stickers.

And of course one egg had all the letters to spell EASTER in it.

And of course one egg had all the letters to spell EASTER in it.

Tate had so much fun finding all the eggs that he keeps asking to have another egg hunt. To keep the hunt a special Easter tradition we substituted Easter Eggs with dinosaurs. He enjoyed that just as much. Phew!

About mylee

Hi, I'm an Aussie living in New York with my husband and two sons and tam using this as a cool way for my friends and family to keep in touch and find out what we are doing.

2 comments on “Happy Easter

  1. Easter Bunny really is sneaky! How sweet it is to see how happy the boys are with such a simple pleasure. Great family traditions are just as much fun for us parents as the kids. Missing you guys.

  2. Easter Bunny really is sneaky! How sweet it is to see how happy the boys are with such a simple pleasure. Great family traditions are just as much fun for us parents as the kids. Missing you guys. Enjoy your trip.