Time to dedicate a blog post to Christmas Trees. It goes without saying that our kids LOVE Christmas Trees! As an example, every time we go through the lobby of our apartment building they ask to touch the Christmas Tree. And if they get the go ahead, they try and touch as many baubles as they possibly can before we tell them stop.
The first Christmas Tree we saw was the one near Bloomingdales. It includes a big Christmas Tree with little ones surrounding it. None of the trees are actually real, which made me wonder where they store the trees for the next year. I am pretty sure they are exactly the same trees from the last 2 years!
Next we bought and decorated our own Christmas Tree. Knox ans Tate loved decorating it. And touching it…. For the first week or so the tree got a little too much attention. To the point where it was bent and had to be righted and even knocked over by Knox once!
Next up was to make our own Christmas Tree for the front door. I spent the morning cutting out the triangles and different shapes for the baubles (angels, stars, circles, snowmen and presents). When Tate arrived home from school that day we got to work assembling the tree. Tate and Knox did such a good job that they got compliments from our next door neighbours!
Our last Christmas Tree related activity was to go and see the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree. It was a VERY, VERY busy day when we went, so we didn’t get a lot of good photos. We also ended up having a quick look and then heading back home. It was too stressful trying to walk through the crowds!