Surprise, surprise, today we went to another park! We decided it was a good idea to run off some energy before meeting someone for brunch. This time we found a closer park, 2 streets away, called MacArthur Park. It has a nice view of the water. Through a steady stream of cars mind you.
Tate had fun exploring the park. They had a sandpit but Tate wasn’t really interested. He just doesn’t know what to make of it!
I don’t know if it is normal but I’ve noticed that parks seem to have lots of toys in them. The sand pit had buckets, spades, rakes, toy trucks and balls. Are these donated to the parks or toys left by kids? Either way, Tate certainly enjoyed making use of them!

Interesting way to play with the toy truck! As fun as it looked, I had to stop him as soon as I took the photo!
This park had a stone turtle in it, which Tate loved, just like the elephant.
Ah the life of city living with a little one – you get familiar with all the kid friendly spots or go mad. Just joking, Tate’ s a dream compared to some kids.
There’s an old song called MacArthur Park.
The playgrounds in Berkeley are always full of toys too. Sometimes it’s just shovels and buckets, other times it trikes, ride on toys, diggers etc. I think the bigger toys are “donated” (ie. just left there) by parents whose kids have outgrown them. The smaller stuff I think is usually just left behind by mistake but maybe it’s donated too. I really like that the playground DS here always have that little extra to play with. It’s great for the really little ones who are too small for the equipment but want to play too. Oh, and how great are the baby swings here? No chance of falling out of them like the baby swings back home!
Ok, not sure what that DS in the middle of my message was supposed to be! I make so many typos on my phone 😉
I agree. The toys are great! Tate had so much fun with them! He pushed the toy trucks around the whole park.
As for the swings, Tate tried them a few times but hasn’t liked them. They are so much higher than Australian ones, so I’ve wondered if that’s why….
Haha.. You’re going to be able to write a book on the playgrounds of New York soon, they’re a great lens through which to explore a city! I want to know about how you get around and any great eating you’ve done 🙂 … Must make time for a Skype date… Maybe tomorrow morning our time?
Hey Jo, mostly we get around via walking but have used the subway and once a bus. We are buying a new pram to make the subway and bus easier!
We haven’t eaten many places yet. Had some nice Korean though in Korea Town. My problem though is the diabetes gets in the way.
We should try skyping. Tomorrow morning your time is good at the moment. Tate is up until 9 am your time if you’d like to see him. We are trying to organise viewing apartments, so if we get an appointment tomorrow I’ll let you know, but for now we are free. Just give us a call on Skype when your up and about! 🙂
Great, will do! Will do it when Ellie is up, it will blow her tiny mind!