Happy Halloween

This week we were lucky enough to celebrate our first Halloween here in New York!

Yet another Halloween display in Chelsea Market.

Halloween display in Chelsea Market.

In our apartment building you have to use a sign up sheet to register your intention to accept trick or treaters. This is then handed out to residents of the building who are taking their kids trick or treating.

Once Richard got home we dressed Tate and Knox in their Halloween outfits and Tate practiced saying “trick or treat” and “happy Halloween”. Then while I stayed home to great trick or treaters for and hour; The boys visited a half dozen apartments. Once I’d finished we then headed out for a further 45 minutes of trick or treating. Tate ended up with a whole bucket full of candy and at many apartments was allowed to pick lots of candy because if his ‘cute factor’. He even had some Tweens going all gooey over him.

Tate was excited to get started!

Tate was excited to get started!

The boys at the lift ready to head to the first apartment.

The boys at the lift ready to head to the first apartment.

Such a big haul!

Such a big haul!

So excited by all the candy!

So excited by all the candy!

Trying out a piece of candy before bed time.

Trying out a piece of candy before bed time.

By the end of the night Tate was so tired from carrying his bucket around that his little cheeks were bright pink and he was grunting at every step, but he refused any help! He was enjoying himself too much.

From our apartment we have a lovely view, which includes a building that changes the colour of the lights on the top for different events. They even had Halloween themed lights!

A pumpkin!

A pumpkin!

Halloween face!

Halloween face!

About mylee

Hi, I'm an Aussie living in New York with my husband and two sons and tam using this as a cool way for my friends and family to keep in touch and find out what we are doing.

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