Until January there is an exhibit at the Lincoln Centre called Somebody Come and Play: 45 Years of Learning on Sesame Street.
Tate and Knox didn’t really know much about Sesame Street because they hadn’t really ever watched it. All they knew of it was Elmo and Grover from “the MONSTER at the end of this book” and “Another monster at the end of this book”. But that didn’t mean they didn’t enjoy going to the exhibit and loved looking at the exhibits. Tate wanted to go again as soon as he’d left and was very eager to watch Sesame Street afterwards.
The first thing you notice when you walk in to the area the exhibit is held is Oscar the Grouch. You press a button and then he very slowly pops out of his can.
There were pictures of the street and drawings of things like one of the stoops. Sesame street was designed to look like the typical middle income brownstones located on Amsterdam and Columbus Avenue in the 1970s and 1980s.
There was also different Sesame Street paraphernalia on show like iPad apps and posters.
There was also a life size Big Bird and Snuffleupagus. Its pretty cool to see just how big they really are!
They even had a section of touch and feel Muppet feather, foam and fur!